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  • Liz Murtaugh Gillespie

832 steps up the Space Needle, check!

I did it, folks. Climbed to the tippy top of the Space Needle this morning. My time: 10:22. Total donations from the generous souls who gave to my Base2Space fundraiser for Fred Hutch: $1,246.

I'm grateful for my health, for my relentlessly supportive community, and for the research that efforts like this make possible. If you're in the mood to give cancer a good kick in the keister, you can make a Base2Space donation today (Sunday, Oct. 2) until 11:59 pm Pacific time. Here's a link to my Base2Space page. Thank you as always for your support, whether you've made a financial gift or you've given me the hugs and virtual high fives that keep me going.

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